Hurray! The time has finally come! The Antique Angel has been facilitating ceremonies for the gay/lesbian community since its doors opened--and now these ceremonies will be official, not only in your hearts, but in the eyes of the State of Nevada! You may pick up your marriage license at the Marriage Bureau off Wells Avenue and 9th Street: Marriage License Information Marriage Licenses are $60. Phone: 775-328-3260 Marriage licenses are sold at: Washoe County Complex 1001 E 9th Street Building A, First Floor Click to see Marriage License Hours. Once you receive your license, we encourage you to bring it to the Antique Angel Wedding Chapel for safe-keeping until your big day. Many couples, in the excitement of the day, forget to bring their license which delays the ceremony. The Antique Angel offers a variety of chapel settings and rooms. We are the largest wedding chapel in Reno, and can easily accommodate multiple wedding parties at the same time! Outside ministers are welcome and encouraged! We look forward to hosting and/or performing your ceremony during this momentous time in your lives and in history! The Antique Angel Wedding Chapel is unlike any other chapel in town, but it's possible your cab driver or hotel concierge did not get the memo!
Here are a few tips to make sure you're at the RIGHT wedding chapel:
If you answered YES to these questions, then you're at the Antique Angel Wedding Chapel! If you answered NO, please call us for directions at 775-337-1655. It's possible you're at another local chapel! |
Antique Angel